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    importYBSC is a tool to import the Yale Bright Star Catalogue.


    The tool is located in the [root]/Tools/ directory.


    1. Drag and drop the catalogue file onto importYBSC.
    2. You get a Stars.dat file; a specialized file for TS -NEXT.
      Copy this file to TS -NEXT/Data/Resources/Sky/.

    Calling Conventions

    Pass the path of the file to import.


    The output is a Stars.dat file with the following content:

    The structure of each star is:

    struct StarEntry
            ustring<ui8>              Spectrum;       // Spectral code
            DyVec3<ui8, ui8, float> RightAscension; // in h, m, s
            DyVec3<i16, ui8, ui8>   Declination;    // in degree, m, s
            float                     Magnitude;      // visible magnitude 
            float                     Temperature;    // computed temperature
            bool                    MultiStar;      // flag if multi-star

    The contents of the file is:

    StarEntry Entries[];

    Process the file until EOF.

    System Requirements

    Component Requirement
    Processor AVX 2.0 and FMA 3 compatible
    Main Memory 300MB+ free main memory